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Kuva: Touch screen mobile smart phone in male hands and doodle icons. Modern communication device is used for business tasks as well as for fun and enjoyment.

Civic Charter goes mobile!

Kepa has launched a mobile course about the state of the civil society today in collaboration with Funzi. The basis for the course is the Civic Charter which is a two-pager that frames the rights that all people possess as citizens, things that support gaining these rights and the duties of governments to fulfill them.

Teksti: Joonas Rentola

The mobile course is aimed at anyone involved with civil society, so more specifically, you! Whether you’re a human rights activist, a government official, or someone who isn’t politically active at all – you may find something interesting from this course.

The course´s subject is civil society but in the background, we here in Kepa also have the aspiration to spread the idea and concept of mobile learning. It can open new exciting doors concerning learning and education in the future.

According to Statista estimation there are 4,93 billion mobile device users in the world in 2018. Of these, 50 percent are smartphone users. That is around 2,5 billion possible classrooms globally. And the number is nothing but rising. Providing learning abilities for these gadgets is not even the way of the future but the way of the now.

Had to walk or ski 10 kilometers to your closest school? Not anymore! A couple of swipes and you are there. Having your classroom in your pocket means that studying and training are not tied to certain place and time anymore.

Before the teacher had to be in the same space with the pupils but these new technologies are making knowledge and learning available to a much larger audience. Moreover, all this is making learning more equal. It´s about offering opportunities to learn to a much wider audience.

I personally come from a family of teachers and I bet my money my mother has been reading this blog so far with some excitement, but also with the question in her mind: “Where are the teachers in this picture, son?” Don´t worry mum, there is still need for teachers in this world. This is just the next best thing.

And without further ado… Civil society today!